Stage 1 earth works have now been completed on range 3
This policy defines the collection and use of information from Rifle Rod & Gun Club (Manawatu) Inc [RRGC] members and individuals who visit the Club's facilities. The information is collected to enable the Club Committee to carry out its administrative duties and responsibilities.
1. The Policy defines what information will be collected and how it is collected,
2. How the collected information will be used,
3. How will this information be secured, and
4. How an individual member may access and correct THEIR information
Membership details obtained by the Club are name, address, email address, phone numbers, firearms licence details (including the expiry date and endorsements), date of birth, Motor vehicle identification and a current photograph of the member. We also collect and confirm your previous Club membership number and Pistol New Zealand affiliation number if you are affiliated with the Club to Pistol New Zealand.
This information is gathered through an electronic membership application form on the RRGC website. Should any information provided to the Club change after membership renewal, the Club requires you to notify us immediately. This may be achieved by updating the online database, which a member may do at any time.
The RRGC website has a member update function that allows members to update their information in real time by utilising the information on their online membership renewal receipt, which was emailed to them when their membership was renewed.
While membership renewals occur online and subscriptions and fees are paid by either Poli (for bank-to-bank transactions) or Stripe (for credit card payments), the Club does not have access to that information.
Information collected may include name, club, date of birth, mobile number and email address. Entry forms may also include (if applicable) holster and/or NZPA numbers.
The information collected will include name, club, date of birth, mobile number, and email address. It may also include (if applicable) a holster number and/or NZPA number.
The RRGC database information (Membership details) is used by the Club Secretary for the following purposes only:
Personal Information collected on the RRGC website (When a member registers to use the websites, the ‘members’ area) is used to verify membership (Logon and passwords).
Entry forms are used solely by the match organizers. The Club does not collect direct information from manual entry forms. After a match, the organizers may send updated grading, records, and selection lists based on the entry information and performances at the matches.
The results of these matches are stored in the members-only secure part of the RRGC website; therefore, they are only available to other individual RRGC members.
The match organisers are responsible for managing the security of this information during an event for the duration of the forms being used.
After the match, the organisers will destroy (shredded or burnt) all entry forms. They will not be placed whole in rubbish or recycling.
The entry information gathered by the RRGC Match Entry Website can only be accessed by the RRGC Club secretary or, through the Club Secretary, the event organiser
The physical RRGC after 1 July 2024 does not hold paper copies of membership forms. As may be required from time to time, printouts of the RRGC database may be produced to inform the Club's Committee of a matter germane to its proceedings.
These reports will be generic and will avoid identifying individuals unless the nature of the enquiry dictates that an individual or individuals need to be identified. The Members of the Club Committee will retain such information securely and destroy it once the purpose for which it was provided has been addressed.
Members have the right to access, change and/or correct personal information held by the RRGC. Members may correct or change the information collected at any time and as often as necessary and do not need to advise the Club they are doing so, when they follow the process referred to above (online visa the membership renewal form).
Members can advise the club secretary accordingly and choose NOT to receive promotional communications from the RRGC as a Club or from their respective subsections.
If a member is concerned that either this policy or their privacy may have been breached, they should contact the PRIVACY OFFICER on 022 53 56 222 or email the club president by clicking this link.
This Policy was late updated on 22 June 2024
The Rifle Rod and Gun Club, (Manawatu) Inc, is a multi-dicipline shooting sports club based in the Turitea Valley near Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Rifle Rod and Gun Club
333 Turitea Road
Palmerston North
New Zealand